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​Synray Composite Investment Fund

Synray Composite Investment Fund is a fixed-income fund issued and managed by Synray Capital. Raised funds will be invested to landmark property development projects. As a fund investment manager, Synray Capital aims to provide high-quality investment products with low risk for investors through active management and multiple risk control and generate stable returns.

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*Limited to the conditions for becoming a qualified investor (wholesale investor). If the investment amount is less than 500,000, a sophisticated investment certificate must be issued by a registered accountant (CPA/CA).

​ Fund Details

Fund Name

​ Fund Type

​Fund Trustee

​Synray Composite Investment Fund

Open-end fund

Oscar Oliver Capital Ltd (ACN 623 948 998, AFSL No. 506 982)

​Fund Manager

Synray Capital Pty Ltd (trusteeauthorized representative)

​Fund Units

​ One unit is equal to $1 Australian dollar

​ Investment Period

​One month, three months, six months, twelve months

Suitable Investors

Only applicable to qualified investors, that is, investors who meet the following conditions:
• invest A$500,000 or more in the fund; or

• Provide a certificate of qualified investor issued by a qualified accountant.

(Prove that the investor has a net worth of at least $2.5 million, or gross income of at least $250,000 for the last two fiscal years); or

• is a professional investor (including an Australian financial services license holder, a person controlling more than $10 million or a listed entity or a related body corporate of a listed entity)

​Minimum Investment



The fund distributes dividends on the 10th of each month.

​Investment Redemption

Investors can apply to the trustee for redemption in advance in writing. In order to redeem an investment at the end of the term, the redemption request needs to be made at least 20 business days before the end of the investment term.
Under the terms of the Trust Deed, the Trustee has the power under certain circumstances to suspend all redemptions or to enforce redemptions, provided that doing so is in the overall best interests of the fund's investors.


Investors should obtain applicable advice from a professional accountant regarding the taxation and personal financial situation of investing in the Fund.

​Fund management fee

2% APR, excluding GST. (Participation in 2023 will receive a reduction in management fees)

​ Fund custody

All assets will be held by CERTANE, a professional third-party custodian, on behalf of investors.

​Characteristics of Synray Composite Fund

There is no subscription fee, and investors can choose investment projects according to their own liquidity needs and risk tolerance.

The rate of return is stable, and it is supported by low interest rate development loans from banks.

High-quality real estate projects have been recognized by major Australian banks and supported by development loans.

A professional asset management team with trusteeship-related qualifications regularly provides investors with transparent quarterly project reports.

A professional real estate development management team can accurately control real estate development risks.

Embrace the opportunity to fully develop the Australian real estate investment market, as well as trust investment opportunities based on high-quality real estate development projects.

​ Fund purchase process

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